Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Feb 26: fun with binary, and some notes about RAM

Greetings, fellow computer jocks!

Today we are going to look at two different items. Here is the location of the first one:

This website has a useful text to binary and binary to text conversion program. As we learned a few days back when we got some notes about CPUs, computers run on binary code, which is a series of ones and zeroes ( "1" and "0")

I told you that every character on your keyboard is represented by a bytecode, which is a string of EIGHT 1s or 0s. Here's what I want you to do:

A) Find the binary codes for at least eight different characters. These characters can be letters, numbers, punctuation, whatever

B) Find out what you get for five different sets of binary codes you enter in

C) Make a post on our Google group about what you found. Label it with your name, plus the phrase "fun with binary"

Mr. L

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