Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday January 30th: power supplies, quizzes and notes O my!

Greetings, fellow geek squadders!

If you are reading this, you have no doubt already been downstairs attaching a motherboard to the inside of your computer case, AND you've plugged in your power supply to the proper port on that motherboard. You're either about to take notes about motherboards, or you already have. Here are some important things to remember while we do all this:

A) You MUST take the notes, and you MUST email them to me -- its part of your grade

B) there will be quizzes based on these notes, and nothing else -- I don't try to fool you by throwing in extra stuff that you didn't get notes for

C) I will always try to help you by having practice quizzes which you can take online. Here is where you go to find them:

when you get there, you click on the link for "CET" (that's the name of this class), then on the CET page, there's a link for "sample quiz". If you click on that, it will pop up a new window, and there are a series of multiple choice questions. You answer them, and after each answer is given, you get to see if you got it right or not.

The sample quiz is NOT the stuff you will be quizzed on next week; it's just to show you how it works. Sometime this weekend, I will post the practice quiz for power supplies; I will let you know when this happens.

Mr. L

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